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Welcome to Mundo Mayers

MAYERS is an investment company specializing in the Premium real estate sector.
Promotes, developsand invests in own real estate products and for Investment Companies.

In real estate investment there is an old maxim that lasts unchanged with the passage of time:
In every successful project there are 3 important things to keep in mind: location, location and location.
Due to the nature of the market niche where we operate, our philosophy is to acquire properties based on their location; This is what determines the typology, potential, quality and price. Recognizing, yes, the factor of
the suitability of the investment moment.
Knowing how to identify, understand and interpret the conditions that are derived from localization, together with experience, are the methodological basis to be able to base our investment decision.

Our philosophy

At MAYERS we create exciting environments. It treats of Unique and Exclusive Projects with own character, of careful image, to disposition of the most select demand.

Unique properties for their location, their constructive and architectural qualities, with differential attributes whose enjoyment becomes a sensory and emotional experience. 

Unique Spaces that suppose an investment with a high differential value.


 The main characteristic of the MAYERS projects is that they have been designed following the most demanding standards of quality, comfort and equipment, treating the smallest details with exquisite care.

Last projects

MAYERS Concierge

We have an exclusive Concierge service for our clients in order to reward their loyalty. In this way, the client is unconcerned with the daily tasks necessary for the good performance of their real estate assets and can dedicate their time to what is important.



We bring all our experience and passion into each new project, with deep local knowledge and global perspective.

Our team


Premium patrimonial preservation and consolidation. For this, the management is made based on absolute profitability in order to maintain capital in any environment through the appropriate treatment of economic, financial, legal, legal and tax aspects, with a clear investment strategy, both in leverage and cost effectiveness.

We take care of fully personalized contact with our investors, generating long-term relationships of trust. The presentation of the information is done in a way that is synthetic on the one hand, which helps the decision making and on the other hand it must be extensive, so that the investor can have a detailed, accurate and complete information of their portfolio. assets so that you can formulate a well-founded judgment on the investment strategies that are exposed to you.

We buy buildings
We have a professional team of first level, experienced in the purchase of real estate, with the capacity and means necessary to carry out the acquisition in an efficient and transparent way, regardless of the size or complexity of the operation.


It is an R & D project whose fundamental mission is to change the way we understand real estate development, leading to a more rational, ethical and sustainable construction.
We understand the property developer as a conscious manager of the risks inherent in this sector, with a culture of challenge and creative passion to perform complex operations.
Net Zero Energy Building is one hundred percent self-sufficient buildings, without the need of connection to the electric grid, gas or any other type of traditional supply. They bring together a series of environmental technologies with the aim of achieving energy independence, being: more efficient in the production of energy, in the storage of energy and in energy consumption.
This objective raises new challenges for the architecture as well as for the developer, who has the mission to combine and manage the challenge that involves the increase of initial costs to achieve reducing the future energy demand of the building, guaranteeing the clients an aesthetic building, with high level of comfort but at the same time balanced between the production of energy and the consumption of energy.

Last News

by El Comercio 13 Mar, 2020
Los vecinos celebran la apertura de los espacios públicos del complejo que bautizan como «la nueva Losa» para pasear por la ciudad.
by Lne 12 Mar, 2020
El espacio Gran Bulevar abre sus 14.000 metros de suelo público y genera una gran zona de paseo junto a Víctor Chávarri y Gascona
by El Comercio 24 Aug, 2018

A falta de flecos «técnicos», que las dos partes confían resolver en las próximas fechas, Mercadona y el consorcio de empresas que impulsa la construcción de El Vasco Gran Bulevar están próximos a cerrar un acuerdo para que la compañía de distribución española instale en sus galerías uno de sus supermercados.

Según pudo saber este medio por diferentes fuentes próximas a la operación, la superficie comercial estaría ubicada en el sector de cota más baja del complejo, en la planta con acceso directo a la calle desde la rotonda de la Cruz Roja. La que los redactores del proyecto denominan 'Zócalo' y que cuenta con otras dos plantas superiores que irán destinadas a hostelería y entretenimiento.

Mercadona, que el año pasado renovó el supermercado de La Corredoria orientándolo hacia su nuevo modelo de tienda eficiente, aumentaría con este local su oferta en el centro de la ciudad con una superficie de venta en El Vasco superior a los 1.800 metros cuadrados.

Todo, cuando a los promotores se les habían encontrado otras novias en cuanto a los supermercados interesados en El Vasco se refiere. Finalmente la mercantil valenciana ha sido la que más ha creído en un proyecto que esta semana recibió el visto bueno del Ayuntamiento con la concesión de una licencia condicionada a un refundido de todos los proyectos hasta la fecha.

Con la licencia, los promotores esperan poder comenzar las obras antes de finales de año. El Vasco Gran Bulevar contará con tres torres residenciales, dos destinadas a usos sociosanitarios y una tercera que será un hotel. Asimismo, cederá 15.000 metros de uso público al municipio.

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